Securing the IoT supply chain - learnings, advice and actions

 Tuesday 25th October, 16:00 BST / 11:00 EST

 Cybersecurity is becoming a critical issue as our lives are increasingly mediated by digital devices and cloud servers. The Internet of Things (IoT) sector recognises the importance of cybersecurity to our well-being, and to its growth, and so has started developing security standards, testing, and accreditation strategies to address it.

Regulators around the world are also stepping up their game, developing and enacting legislation that holds IoT developers and ecosystem operators to account for the impact of the systems they implement.

In this roundtable we will discuss:

  • RISC V and the democratisation of compute in the IoT
  • How companies are not making IoT security a priority
  • How regulations can push companies in the right direction, but hopefully it won’t be too late
  • NIST security standards for Post Quantum Cryptography
  • Root of trust and physical unclonable function (PUF)

Shahram Mossayebi
Crypto Quantique
Vijay Krishnan
GM of RISC-V Ventures
Mike Eftimakis
VP of Strategy and Ecosystems
Clive Couldwell
Group Editor
Electronics Weekly

Crypto Quantique webinar

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